Happy New Year!

The Amersham Society embarks on 2023 in good heart and is looking forward to our first full Zoom-free year of meetings in person since 2019.

The team of six Committee members led throughout the pandemic by Dorothy Symes has now been joined by Carol Chesney who is taking on planning matters from George Allison, John Catton who has taken on editing the Newsletter from Dorothy and David Cash who is taking on the new role of Amersham on the Hill matters.

Edward Copisarow and John Catton have agreed to serve respectively as Chair and Vice-Chair for the year and Dorothy remains on the Committee as a member of the events team which has lined up an excellent programme of evening talks in the Kings Chapel. For full details please visit our events page.

It will also be an important year for Amersham Old Town with proposed developments to bring an Aldi store to the old Jaguar garage and the repurposing of the listed buildings at The Maltings to residential use – each presenting its own access, parking and potential flooding issues as well as opportunities to influence heritage preservation and sensitivity to setting.

There is always more to be done, so do please get in touch if you would like to volunteer for a role, write something for the newsletter or have some photos to share.

And if you are a member, please do remember to make sure your annual subscription is paid up. For those who haven’t joined us yet, here is how to become a member.