Equal Opportunities Policy

Statement of Intent

The Amersham Society fully accepts and welcomes that society consists of many diverse groups and individuals and that this diversity is an asset to the community. The Society also recognises that certain groups and individuals are discriminated against and is opposed to this. The Society recognises that it has a moral and legal responsibility to promote equal opportunities and will pursue equality in all its work.

This document has been prepared to set out The Amersham Society’s commitment and as a statement of its intent. The Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure effective implementation, and to consider ways in which the Society might promote a more diverse membership and whether implementation of the policy is being suitably monitored.

The Amersham Society is an Equal Opportunities Organisation. It is committed to the development of policies to provide for equality of opportunity in all aspects of its activities. It will work to ensure that all its services are provided in a way that promotes awareness of the rights and needs of people from minority groups and enables all people access to them. The Amersham Society will take whatever steps are necessary to enforce the Policy. In addition, anyone connected to the Society as a member or volunteer, who considers that he or she is suffering from unequal treatment on any grounds, may use this Policy to bring it to the Committee’s attention for action. The Committee will bring the provisions of the Policy to the attention of all members and volunteers. The Committee shall have responsibility for the operation of the Policy. However, all members and volunteers have a duty to do everything they can to ensure that the Policy operates in practice.

Code of Conduct

People will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion or age.

At all times people’s feelings will be valued and respected. Language or humour that people find offensive will not be used, for example sexist or racist jokes or terminology that is deemed derogatory.

No one will be harassed, abused, excluded or intimidated on the grounds of their race, sex, age, nationality, disability, religion or sexual orientation.

Foul, insulting, abusive or racist remarks will not be tolerated from anyone associated with the Society and behaviour of this type may lead to the withdrawal of membership from it. Incidents of harassment will be taken seriously. If the matter cannot be resolved by way of an acceptable apology and an undertaking that the offence will not be repeated, the following action will be taken:

  • The person in question will be requested to attend a meeting of a sub-committee of the Society’s Committee to explain their actions. The sub-committee will comprise three members of the Society’s Committee, including at least one trustee of the Society.
  • If the person in question fails to attend the meeting of the sub-committee, the sub-committee will act as it sees fit.
  • In the case of a member or volunteer, action may be taken as appropriate and if deemed necessary their membership may be withdrawn or their involvement with the Society cease.
  • Members will have the right to appeal against a decision made by the sub-committee. The appeal will be considered by the Society’s Committee, which will comprise at least five members of the Committee, including at least one trustee. The Committee’s decision will be final.
  • Anyone whose membership has been withdrawn may reapply for membership after a period of three years, when their application will be considered by the Committee. The Committee’s decision will be final.